Programming for Beginners – using Python
Cost: $800
Duration: 4
Skill Level: Beginner
Course Overview
This training course covers the basics of Python development. The course is geared towards participants with no programming background. It includes hands-on exercises to reinforce the lessons covered.
This training course was developed and is taught by some of the Philippines’ well-known and respected Python software engineers, and uses the format trusted by some of the best companies in the Philippines.
Learning Outcomes
- To learn basic Python programming
- To learn basic Python libraries used for database, web development, and Internet API access
Suitable For
Anyone with minimal or no programming experience wanting to learn how to work with Python.
Course Outline
Part 1
- Visual Studio Code overview
- Data Types
- Function: print
- Math operators: + – / *
- String operator +
- Function: input
- Functions: int, str
- Function: format
- Optional parameters
- String functions, upper, lower, swapcase, title, format
- multi-line string
- Boolean
- Boolean operators: and, or, not
- If statement
- conditional operators: > < >= <= == !=
- else
- elif
- Lists
- list element assignment (list[] = element)
- list functions: append, remove, len, extend, index
- for-loops.
- Code blocks
- list comprehension
- range function
- list slicing.
- in operator.
- list function: sort, reverse
- Unpacking
- tuple
- string functions: count, split, join.
- file function: open()
- with statement
- random library
- shuffle, choice, randint
- help() and dir()
- from import
- making a function
- optional parameter (remind with input())
- named parameter
- importing function from other files
- while, continue, break
- introduce help() and python manual
- turtle/logo programming
Part 2
- enumerate(), zip()
- Set
- Dictionary
- items(), keys(), get(), values()
- None datatype
- Error handling
- string.punctuation, digits, ascii_letters
- f-strings
- datetime library
- Basic Object Oriented Programming
- constructor
- inheritance
- dunder functions
- dir introspection
- breakpoint()
- Function data type
Part 3
- Libraries
- Pretty Print
- Argument Parser
- Basic file format: csv
- Basic database: sqlite
- Basic web development: flask
- Internet API: requests
Tailored to the needs of your organization, we also offer cadetship
programs which include a series of our standardized O&B Academy courses.
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